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EUR 10 to EUR 1,000

The Wellscape Fund

We’re Wellscape, a small wellness-booking platform with big dreams. One of our biggest dreams? Making sure wellness is accessible to all.

So, we’re planning The Wellscape Fund. It’s an idea in its infancy, a seed we’re planting today and hoping to nourish as we grow.

What’s it for? We envision it as a way to support causes that really make a difference in people’s lives. We’re talking about local wellness initiatives, charities, and groups that might not have a lot of funding but are doing incredible work in our communities.

Sure, we’re just getting started. But we’re ambitious and committed to giving back. We believe wellness should be for everyone, and we want to do our part to make that happen.

We might be small, but we’re hopeful. As Wellscape grows, we hope The Wellscape Fund will grow too, helping to make a difference in bringing wellness to all.

Stay tuned for more details on The Wellscape Fund as we evolve. Or, if you’d like to know more, get in touch – we’d love to chat.

We’re excited about this journey, and we’re glad to have you with us. Thanks for helping us make wellness a universal privilege.